
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The cool hippie bus

Our day started with a nice brunch at a cute little restaurant in town.  I'll never eat there again.  The service is acceptable, but not outstanding, and the food is great, although lacking in my personal tastes.  But what really got me was paying for the food.  This guy comes out of the kitchen, dressed in smocks with a cap/bandana thingy surgeons wear, and a name badge that said "Surgeon Director". double as a cook?  Anyway, he was missing two fingers.  These weren't two fingers on one hand folks.  One at one joint on one hand, and the other hand at a different joint in the finger.  This I found disturbing.  He either cut them off in surgery, or while chopping my chicken.  In my mind at least.  Can't go back, sorry...too disturbing.

So anyway, we went to my place of know..."There-that-must-not-be-named", and filled our gas and groceries.  In the parking lot was this really cool painted bus.  When we left, we got gas, and I had to take pictures.  They're with my phone, so forgive the quality please.

 Amazing detail with 3D effects.

 A woman, a man, and a disabled man share this awesome bus home!
Their furniture, appliances, and quilts, etc, were beyond gorgeous!  Just look at the quilting on that!
 They plan to attach the wheelchair to the outside in the future (it's behind the bike)
 And replace this with a composting toilet.
Their plates said Vermont, and they were traveling north.  They are in the process of converting to biodiesel.  Very impressive work guys!  Good luck wherever you may be now!

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