
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Here's you Sign-take 3

A woman called, "How much are your phones?"
    I gave her some examples.
"I need to know which phone I have."
"It takes 'brand A' cards and came in a plastic box that you had to open to get it out." (And this is going to help?)
   "Um...Well.  Do you see the UPC?"
Surprisingly, "Yes."
   "What are the last three numbers?"
   "That's the one that costs $XX"
"Oh, OK.  Thanks." 

A coworker and I discovered about 20 hangers hidden behind some toys.  There was a pile a wadded paper, presumably from whatever bag they used to stuff the clothes into.  I handed the hangers to her, as she worked that department, and took the paper to a bin.  That was when I noticed what appeared to be poo upon the paper.  The coworker said, "What did we just touch?"  We scurried down the aisle, all the while being laughed at by really annoying baby dolls we passed.  She dropped the hangers, then threw them into a nearby buggy, and I put the paper into the nearby bin and practically ran to wash my hands.  Meanwhile, another coworker was looking at us wondering what on earth was going on.

I still get shocked with all the "When do you close?" questions.

I was in an aisle with phones on the left, and their cards on the right.  You could literally hold your arms out and touch both.  This man walks up to me, looks at the phones, and around the aisle, "Where are you phones?"  I point.  He mumbles some prices to himself.  "How much are they?"  I pointed again.  "Where are your cards?"  I point.  "Where are your phones?"  I point again.  "How much are they?"  I point again.  "Ok, thanks."  I never once said a word.  I don't think it would have mattered if I had.

There's a man that calls every week to ask if we got any new Hot Wheels in, and to describe them to him.

There's a boy that calls every week and asks if we have a certain toy in stock.  It doesn't matter what answer we give him, he just wants to make us run all over the store.  The toy is on one end, the phone is on the other.

I am in complete uniform, badge showing, one set of keys hanging from my belt loop, another in my hand locking a cabinet, "Do you work here?"  I'm sitting in the floor surrounded by videos, putting more videos in their place, "Do you work here?"  I just finish with a customer, handing them an item and ending the conversation, "Do you work here?"  

I would have never believed these stories until now.

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