
Thursday, February 9, 2012


Last night was the first full dress rehearsal.  We also had a little get together.  (I have found that going back on stage is like going on a bike, at least for me.  I fall off a bike a lot.  I call snacks provided "craft services", and get confused when they say "hold" instead of cut or freeze.  Lots of little things here and there that I'm having to transition.  Allow me to also say that theatre is far, far, FAR more disciplined.)  Warning-lots of really bad puns ahead.

Before we got into the "habit" of being a nun... (Christina and Sarah)  Sarah draws all the time.  She's in AP art and does really amazing work!
 Regina is a nun with us, and these are her kids.  They are by far the best little actors on stage.  Little Sasha is the cutest, and I get to escort her in the beginning.  She is so sweet!  I love your kids Regina! (and considering how well I do NOT get on with kids-that's saying a great deal)
 Eunice and Bob-they are a real blast!  She's nuns with me and he monks around.
 Obi Wan Kenobi
 Why yes, this is a brownie.  It was made from the chocolate of Chili and the spices of Sicily with a slight dusting of powdered sugar from the sugar cane of....  (this is Steve-he plays the Captain and is really a lot of fun)
 One of the children's costumes
 Weslie-directing...while 20 nuns change clothes all at the same time in the same room with lots and lots of mirrors.  We must be Roman nuns.
 My Novices.
 Mature nuns. 
 This is under/behind the stage and what must be maneuvered through.  With over 100 cast members in this production, it can get busy.
 One thing I've noticed about this theatre is that everyone knits.  And I mean EVERYONE!!  This includes small children and...this random guy I've never seen before sitting in the green room.  Perhaps I have found a new outlet for my wool??
 Let's be serious now.
 Or not...
Allow me to inform you that panty hose, black shorts, black shirt, and the nun outfit does not allow for quick trips to the bathroom.  The nuns never have time to sin, they're always adjusting their clothing.  It was truly ridiculous.  Nuns were constantly pinning habits back on and tying dresses back up.  I might could handle the lifestyle, but I will never be a nun on the account of clothing alone!

 Hear no evil, see not evil...
Now, I had never seen the monks in costume before.  So when they walked across the stage during the intro, all I could think of was....
 One of the back drops.
 We had to put the chickens up early last night, but the guineas would NOT go up.  So, we tied Mya to a rope so she could wee and left her out till we got back.  This morning, I just went to open the door in my grog only to hear the guineas on the back porch...oops.  I had to tie poor little Mya up again this morning.  She's not a happy dog.

For those interested in the play, here is a little snipet for Knox's WATE 6  (the hyperlink isn't working, you'll have to cut/paste the link, sorry)

If there is a picture I took of you and it's not here and you want it, let me know. I couldn't include all of them, sorry.

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