
Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I already had a blog saved and ready for today.  But life took a different turn.  After getting to bed at 1AM the night before (I was waiting for the midnight release of BOIII so I could get a T-shirt for Arlis) I drove the next day to a town an hour away to get Marcus the dog he's been wanting.  A five year old lab mix that's already neutered.  He didn't smell bad, and wasn't covered in fleas and ticks.  We wanted a lab because the neighbor's labs are perfectly fine with our chickens.  We were told he LOVED to be hugged and snuggled and the previous owner was thrilled he was going to a farm with a little boy.  She was in a fix and didn't want to give him up.  So I'm writing this blog today to let her know how it's going.

Ace was friendly enough, but he didn't want to get in the van.  We thought he wanted to stay home, but I now believe it was for other reasons.  While driving down a country road, thank God it was country road, I had to make an emergency stop to let the dog out to poop.  Arlis was holding him in his lap when I looked over and saw it coming.  "Poop!  Poop!"  I grabbed his tail and held it down, applying pressure to said area.  He got as much pleasure out of it as I did.  He then dropped a good deal outside, and I cleaned up the small amount inside.  He still didn't want in the van.  About 2 miles from home, "Poop!  Poop!"  We let him out where Arlis figured he was fed grass because only cows poop that much.  There wasn't a mess this time, thankfully.

We got home and walked him about, introducing him to the cows and other animals.  Boy-seen below-informed Ace how he felt with claws on his face.  I scolded Boy, and they just pretty much avoid each other now.  He pooped again.
 He seemed alright with the chickens, and I was real tempted to just let him loose.  Glad I didn't.  I got him up from his "nap" today before I went into work and leashed him out with the birds.  He was fine until they moved.  Then...he was REAL interested.  Sigh.  So I guess he'll be like Mya.  He's allowed free reign outside in the mornings and evenings or if the birds are ever up, but if he needs out while they're out, he'll have to be chained.  Sorry, I know that's not what you wanted, but he doesn't seem to mind much. 
 Other than that, he gets along real well with everybody.  The cats are too scared to go near him, but they'll get used to him, and Mya likes him.  That's saying alot because she's usually real jealous of other dogs.  So, dear Ms previous owner, thank you so much for Marcus's new pet.  Marcus used him as a pillow last night, and Ace really liked it.

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