
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cub Scout Growl

I took Marcus to his first Scout camping trip.  Cute as a button, this Webelo is ready! 

 He was SO excited!  He started packing days ahead, and I was real excited too, as we got to do something together.  Let me say now that he had a great time, we got some things accomplished, and I was very pleased with it all.  Now, on to the fun-

We took a tent.
 Marcus helped set it up.  And then I broke one of the zippers I can only assume was for a power cord-you know, in case your TV needs watching...Fortunately, it didn't leak through.
 Everyone else got to sleep in these things-Many brought a tarp to hang as a curtain.  I was glad for our tent.  They didn't even have mattresses-sheesh!
 After we set up and all, we went onto the activities.  He made a marshmallow gun
 Which he used to shoot me...alot.  And then they went onto the obstacle course with their guns-where a vast amount of marshmallows were sacrificed on pie pans.
 I was real proud of how well he did.

After this, we went onto the BB range.  Here we have groups of 5-10 year olds with BB's and bows and arrows.  It's a wonder there were no fatalities.  He set up his target.
 I was REAL proud of him here, and praised Arlis on his teaching of Marcus how to shoot.  He did everything without any instruction while all the other kids had to have their parents help them...for pretty much everything.  Except for the kid next to Marcus whose grandmother didn't help, and he kept aiming down the shelter at the other kids while he was trying to cock his gun because it was too hard for him to cock.  That was scary. 
He did really well too.  The instructor commented to him privately.  All the other parents claimed the guns were off because if their child couldn't even hit the target it must be the gun.  I laughed inwardly and told Arlis in laughter later on the phone.  (There's two bullseyes) (Allow to me say I am not, nor was I ever laughing at the children.  I was laughing at the parents.  The children did the best they could with what they knew how to do.  And if you look below, you'll see my own not do too well either)
 Now for archery!  He wasn't very good at archery.  The arrow kept falling off the bow.  I kept waiting for him to hit someone with it.
 The instructor had to help him alot.  (maybe his bow was off-ha ha!)
 He did manage to hit the last two on target, and the last one near the center!  So maybe he'll get the hang of it eventually.
Then he got to be part of the color guard
 And take down the American flag.

The rest of the evening will be presented in the next installment-Cub Scout Growl-take 2.

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