
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Religious Extremism

I go out of my way to keep my opinions to myself about religion and politics.  It keeps my job and allows me to keep customers.  But recently, I discovered I am a religious extremist.  Yes, me.  Here is why:

I follow God's commandments.
I do not believe the Bible is to be changed or interpreted other than the way it is written.  I believe in a literal Bible.  If God wanted us to be confused all the time, and try to "figure out" what He meant, He would have a riot on His hands come Judgement Day.
I do not follow man's traditions, or the current fad.

That, to me, is not extremism.  To me, extremism was adding things in that weren't really there, making it part of your core belief, and them getting violent about it.  For example, abortion clinic bombings.  God gave us pretty strict rules for a religious state, but we no longer live in that religious state, and we are now to show love and kindness even to those who sin against God.  If you feel abortion is wrong, don't bomb the people, that is bad and makes those who believe in God look bad.

What concerns me is that the "norm" is becoming less and less accepting of my religion.  For example, find me a job where I can NOT work on the Sabbath.  Go ahead, but I'm not waiting b/c you won't.  And don't say you will b/c teachers are called in on Saturday to make up snow days, workers are always called in on the weekends, and most jobs just expect you to work Sabbath as a general rule.  If you don't, you will be let go.  They will find or make a way to let you go, and good luck suing them.  And don't tell me "well, they expect you to worship on Sunday."  That's their problem not mine, and I've spoken with many "Christians" who have no problem at all working on their sabbath and think it's ridiculous to do otherwise.  If they weren't called in, they'd be mowing the lawn, going out to eat (making others work), painting the house, cleaning out the garage....

If you tell someone that you cannot do that b/c it goes against your beliefs, you are again let go, or exempted from the group (child's sports teams, drama club, etc)

If reminds me of the laws that say you don't have to give your such and such info to people trying to hire you, but if you don't, you won't be considered for the job.  So, you do have to.  I actually signed a government contract where it said "Under code blah blah, you are not required to give us your SSN, but optioning not to do so will eliminate you from consideration".  Yeah, that's real freedom isn't it...  Sort of a pointless rule, don't you think?

So, go ahead, call me an extremist.  Apparently it's something I'm going to have to get used to.  But just for the record, I have no intentions of stoning people or blowing up demonstrations, and I will still try my very best to keep my opinions to myself no matter how much others don't.

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