
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Operation Dead Dog

I guess it has been a week since posting, so I should post this...

A while back, I shopped for emergency food since I'm gone so much recently for Arlis in a pinch for supper.  This included a giant bag of 30 fish sticks.  Arlis didn't see it, and it got left in the trunk of the car...for 3 days.  It wasn't cold enough outside, so they had to be thrown out.  A bad storm hit (not the one a few days ago, the one before), and a trash can fell over.  Goober got into the bag.  Mya went out that morning and came back in smelling BAD of fish.  I mean you could smell her from the other end of the room.

Here it is, our Sabbath, and Arlis goes out to clean up the mess, and I wash the dog.  Marcus knows Goober will "run away" if this turns out not to be the storm's fault. 

So, later that day, Marcus comes running to me screaming.  


Mya has puked up the week old fish sticks onto the bedroom carpet.

We used paper towels...

And pinesol...

And vinegar...

And baking soda...


Sigh...It still smells.  I mean it smelled so bad your eyes would water being in the bedroom!  It was horrible!  Talk about a damper on things!  I almost passed out doing my exercises!  It's dried now, and pretty much without scent, but it's still a different color where it's dried on the fibers and I couldn't get it all off.  I've used bristly brushes and everything. 

Just when you think you can sleep in and relax! 

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