This will be my last post on this page. Please subscribe to my new blog at
I'm really excited to be using the new blog. I am in the process of transferring all the old posts over. Until I get that done, I apologize for blogging delay. You can use the time to review my archived posts as I transfer them, or look forward to the ideas in my head that will hopefully get out soon!
See you there!
Here is a place to laugh at or with us.
We moved from East Knoxville to a barren homestead in Jan 2010. Here are our adventures.
Feel free to ask any questions you might have! Please visit our site at
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Interchangeable Dry Erase Magic
I LOVE office supplies. Pens, pencils, posties, papers, markers, everything. Especially lists. Lots and lots of lists. So, how many of you are sick of paying ludicrous amounts for the latest dry erase board that goes bad too soon, or was never good in the first place? Do you ever wish you could just make your own? And then you'd want to change it, right? Well, I wish I could say I came up with this, but I didn't. But this was too awesome not to share.
Step 1: Purchase a cheap 8X10 picture frame you don't mind looking at.
Step 2: Print out a sheet of paper containing whatever you want the dry erase board to
look like.
Step 3: Put the paper in the frame WITH the glass on top.
This is simple to do list, but you can get as creative as you want. Now, if you look below, you will see a really old and worn out blue dry erase marker on top, and Sharpie on the bottom.
Wipe your finger to remove the dry erase
Use alcohol on a tissue to remove the Sharpie.
And don't forget, if it stays on too long, or you just want to, use glass cleaner and clean it all off with one swipe! Happy creating!!
Step 1: Purchase a cheap 8X10 picture frame you don't mind looking at.
Step 2: Print out a sheet of paper containing whatever you want the dry erase board to
look like.
Step 3: Put the paper in the frame WITH the glass on top.
This is simple to do list, but you can get as creative as you want. Now, if you look below, you will see a really old and worn out blue dry erase marker on top, and Sharpie on the bottom.
Wipe your finger to remove the dry erase
Use alcohol on a tissue to remove the Sharpie.
And don't forget, if it stays on too long, or you just want to, use glass cleaner and clean it all off with one swipe! Happy creating!!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Here's Your Sign-Take 4
For the record, I now work at an area where customers bring back purchases they no longer want. Now, my employer has quite the reputation for...a certain type of customer. This still could never have prepared me for what I have so far experienced.
During my first few days, I came back from a break to notice a ziplock bag on the counter. Inside it was what used to be a fish, bought from our store.
"Someone returned a fish?"
"What happened to the fishy?"
"It died."
"It looks eaten."
He holds it up "Yup."
These people had returned a half eaten fish. They failed to read the warnings, and it got along with their older pets a little too well.
Now, one of my favorites, is the leaking battery. Again, I came back from a break one day, "Don't touch that battery, it's leaking." There sits a battery in a buggy. Someone returned this one for good reason. So what? A leaking battery? Well, as the day progressed, we later moved the battery to the battery bin. This is an isolated bins for batteries that have been returned with baking soda in large bags nearby. We sprinkled several handfuls of soda on the batteries, and enjoyed the fizzing show. When we finished, we went to return the buggy to it's home.
"It ate through the buggy."
The acid had indeed eaten through the buggy. We sprinkled soda all over it, watched it fizz, and continued to sprinkle more until it stopped fizzing. We then let it sit there a while to chill a bit. Later that day, we took the buggy to the defective area, and swept up the soda on the floor...only to find....holes in the concrete floor from the battery acid.
I had a man bring back a tablet. "This won't work at the McDonald's."
"Um...OK...was it working before you went there?"
"Oh yes!"
"What is it not doing?"
"I can't check my e-mail and such."
"Is it wi-fi capable?"
"It worked at my son's house!"
"So when you went to the McDonald's, what happened?"
"It says it couldn't find the server."
So, I directed him to ask the staff at the McDonald's, explaining that he would have to make changes for it to work, and that if he still had a problem to come see me. He never came back.
Another one of my favorites is when a man brought back a radio worn out, scratched, no receipt, no box, no anything.
"I can't take this back."
"There's no box, no UPC, no receipt, no anything. There's no way for me to know how much this cost or anything."
"It cost $10, now give me a gift card. Here's my ID."
He hands me a piece of paper with his ID copied on it.
"I can't accept a photocopy of an ID."
"So I bought this for nothing then, huh?"
"Yes you did-next!"
A man brought back a weedeater. I tried to look up the receipt with the serial number, but I couldn't find it in the system. This is not an offered or guaranteed service, but I offered anyway.
"You get on that computer and find this receipt!"
"It's not on there."
"You're not trying hard enough, now get that receipt!"
I went over, picked up the monitor and carried it as far as the cord would allow to him and pointed at "Item not found."
"Woman are you crazy?! I said ask that computer where my receipt is?"
"Do you want me to personally ask it a question?"
"That's it! You're being smart with me now. I want a manager. I'm gonna get you fired!"
I called management. While waiting, I took care of the next customer who commented on how awful that man was, and how they felt sorry for me, etc.
"I'm going to go put this back in the car, then I'm going to come back and get you fired."
"mmm-hmmm" (I was still attending to the other customer.)
While waiting on the NEXT customer, a manager comes over, and tells him how it is. I was later informed he should have been escorted from the building for being belligerent. I was also informed he came back later...with the receipt.
Instances of note: (I may or may NOT have been present for these)
-a boy brought back condoms "My girlfriend and I broke up, so I don't need these anymore."
-a woman brought back Vagisil pH test strips b/c "They were the wrong color". I couldn't explain pH to her, so I just took them back and sterilized up to my elbows when I finished.
-a woman brought back a plate with food stuck to it, "It never got used." It did not get returned.
-a woman brought back a half-eaten pizza "the crust is too hard" Although, it was not apparently too hard for her to eat half of it.
----------Here's You Sign-----------
During my first few days, I came back from a break to notice a ziplock bag on the counter. Inside it was what used to be a fish, bought from our store.
"Someone returned a fish?"
"What happened to the fishy?"
"It died."
"It looks eaten."
He holds it up "Yup."
These people had returned a half eaten fish. They failed to read the warnings, and it got along with their older pets a little too well.
Now, one of my favorites, is the leaking battery. Again, I came back from a break one day, "Don't touch that battery, it's leaking." There sits a battery in a buggy. Someone returned this one for good reason. So what? A leaking battery? Well, as the day progressed, we later moved the battery to the battery bin. This is an isolated bins for batteries that have been returned with baking soda in large bags nearby. We sprinkled several handfuls of soda on the batteries, and enjoyed the fizzing show. When we finished, we went to return the buggy to it's home.
"It ate through the buggy."
The acid had indeed eaten through the buggy. We sprinkled soda all over it, watched it fizz, and continued to sprinkle more until it stopped fizzing. We then let it sit there a while to chill a bit. Later that day, we took the buggy to the defective area, and swept up the soda on the floor...only to find....holes in the concrete floor from the battery acid.
I had a man bring back a tablet. "This won't work at the McDonald's."
"Um...OK...was it working before you went there?"
"Oh yes!"
"What is it not doing?"
"I can't check my e-mail and such."
"Is it wi-fi capable?"
"It worked at my son's house!"
"So when you went to the McDonald's, what happened?"
"It says it couldn't find the server."
So, I directed him to ask the staff at the McDonald's, explaining that he would have to make changes for it to work, and that if he still had a problem to come see me. He never came back.
Another one of my favorites is when a man brought back a radio worn out, scratched, no receipt, no box, no anything.
"I can't take this back."
"There's no box, no UPC, no receipt, no anything. There's no way for me to know how much this cost or anything."
"It cost $10, now give me a gift card. Here's my ID."
He hands me a piece of paper with his ID copied on it.
"I can't accept a photocopy of an ID."
"So I bought this for nothing then, huh?"
"Yes you did-next!"
A man brought back a weedeater. I tried to look up the receipt with the serial number, but I couldn't find it in the system. This is not an offered or guaranteed service, but I offered anyway.
"You get on that computer and find this receipt!"
"It's not on there."
"You're not trying hard enough, now get that receipt!"
I went over, picked up the monitor and carried it as far as the cord would allow to him and pointed at "Item not found."
"Woman are you crazy?! I said ask that computer where my receipt is?"
"Do you want me to personally ask it a question?"
"That's it! You're being smart with me now. I want a manager. I'm gonna get you fired!"
I called management. While waiting, I took care of the next customer who commented on how awful that man was, and how they felt sorry for me, etc.
"I'm going to go put this back in the car, then I'm going to come back and get you fired."
"mmm-hmmm" (I was still attending to the other customer.)
While waiting on the NEXT customer, a manager comes over, and tells him how it is. I was later informed he should have been escorted from the building for being belligerent. I was also informed he came back later...with the receipt.
Instances of note: (I may or may NOT have been present for these)
-a boy brought back condoms "My girlfriend and I broke up, so I don't need these anymore."
-a woman brought back Vagisil pH test strips b/c "They were the wrong color". I couldn't explain pH to her, so I just took them back and sterilized up to my elbows when I finished.
-a woman brought back a plate with food stuck to it, "It never got used." It did not get returned.
-a woman brought back a half-eaten pizza "the crust is too hard" Although, it was not apparently too hard for her to eat half of it.
----------Here's You Sign-----------
Friday, June 21, 2013
Happy Father's Day
I grew up with a father that worked for the government. We had solar collectors, that he built himself, on our garage, that he also built himself. I grew up with the "If you want it done, do it." attitude. Yeah, that's great and all, and I'm one of the most resourceful people you'll ever meet (although I could never do all he does) but there are consequences.
Used to inventions on a monthly basis, it was not surprising to come home to three boys playing with a homemade rocket. They used a 2L, water, and an air compressor. They put fins on the rocket-another duct tape wonder-and did multiple test flights measuring the amount of water to air ratio. They had a string that pulled the trigger back. This trigger was a wire with two sharpened ends that went over the lip of the bottle, holding it in place until launch. We shot that sucker over 3 acres, and found it in the woods some weeks/months later. That was the big mistake.
Naturally, I call home from work during a break one night to hear, "I've got some bad news." This is a usual statement for him, but I continued to listen to his story. "The metal piece shot into my arm and I had to jerk real hard to get it out. It hurts real bad, and I think it's broken." That's great.
I had to close that night, and I had to open the next morning. If the worst damage done was a broken arm, he would be fine until the next day. I looked at it, and decided to take him in tomorrow after work. There seemed little point in going to a doctor or clinic as I doubt they had the facilities needed for this. So, after working two shifts pretty close together, I drove all the way to Cookeville Regional, about an hour, to have his arm evaluated. We got in pretty fast, where they have this new weird thermometer that swivels your face instead of actually going in anywhere, and the escorting nurse found my statement, "We don't have insurance, so please do not do 100 tests when three will suffice." absolutely hilarious. She actually laughed a great deal and said it made her day.
Then another nurse came in (maybe I should have said 5 nurses when 1 will suffice), a tall, grey haired lady with a thick German accent that thought herself to be a comedian. She did make us laugh a little, and got on real well with Marcus. Poor Arlis had to endure a tetanus shot, and a "horse shot" (as he called it) of antibiotics in the rump. That nurse left laughing as we were told we could go back in. I later found out Arlis decided to tell her all about vaccinating cattle and how the two compare. I would have laughed too if we weren't still waiting for them to take him down to x-ray. I'm sure the idiot with the rocket injury story will last a while there. They all seemed pretty surprised with it all, even though I would have thought they'd seen it all by now.
They take him down and take lots of different pictures. It wasn't broken, in fact we were told it never touched the bone. It must have gotten stuck in a tendon which made it hard to pull out or something. They gave him a steel rod enforced brace and prescriptions for "kill you or cure you" antibiotics with a pain med. He spent the next several days in swollen pain that gradually reduced daily, and was finally able to take the brace off.
Poor Marcus has had to do his jobs, and I've helped when I could. Naturally, I had to work the next several days, but everyone survived. The garden is full of weeds, and we're behind in our work even more, not to mention the financial set back to show its face in the mail at some point. But he's fine. The scary part was, while he was describing the event to the doctors/nurses, he told them something he didn't tell me. He had him arm across his chest at the time. If he hadn't it would have gone straight into his heart. That was scary.
Used to inventions on a monthly basis, it was not surprising to come home to three boys playing with a homemade rocket. They used a 2L, water, and an air compressor. They put fins on the rocket-another duct tape wonder-and did multiple test flights measuring the amount of water to air ratio. They had a string that pulled the trigger back. This trigger was a wire with two sharpened ends that went over the lip of the bottle, holding it in place until launch. We shot that sucker over 3 acres, and found it in the woods some weeks/months later. That was the big mistake.
Naturally, I call home from work during a break one night to hear, "I've got some bad news." This is a usual statement for him, but I continued to listen to his story. "The metal piece shot into my arm and I had to jerk real hard to get it out. It hurts real bad, and I think it's broken." That's great.
I had to close that night, and I had to open the next morning. If the worst damage done was a broken arm, he would be fine until the next day. I looked at it, and decided to take him in tomorrow after work. There seemed little point in going to a doctor or clinic as I doubt they had the facilities needed for this. So, after working two shifts pretty close together, I drove all the way to Cookeville Regional, about an hour, to have his arm evaluated. We got in pretty fast, where they have this new weird thermometer that swivels your face instead of actually going in anywhere, and the escorting nurse found my statement, "We don't have insurance, so please do not do 100 tests when three will suffice." absolutely hilarious. She actually laughed a great deal and said it made her day.
Then another nurse came in (maybe I should have said 5 nurses when 1 will suffice), a tall, grey haired lady with a thick German accent that thought herself to be a comedian. She did make us laugh a little, and got on real well with Marcus. Poor Arlis had to endure a tetanus shot, and a "horse shot" (as he called it) of antibiotics in the rump. That nurse left laughing as we were told we could go back in. I later found out Arlis decided to tell her all about vaccinating cattle and how the two compare. I would have laughed too if we weren't still waiting for them to take him down to x-ray. I'm sure the idiot with the rocket injury story will last a while there. They all seemed pretty surprised with it all, even though I would have thought they'd seen it all by now.
They take him down and take lots of different pictures. It wasn't broken, in fact we were told it never touched the bone. It must have gotten stuck in a tendon which made it hard to pull out or something. They gave him a steel rod enforced brace and prescriptions for "kill you or cure you" antibiotics with a pain med. He spent the next several days in swollen pain that gradually reduced daily, and was finally able to take the brace off.
Poor Marcus has had to do his jobs, and I've helped when I could. Naturally, I had to work the next several days, but everyone survived. The garden is full of weeds, and we're behind in our work even more, not to mention the financial set back to show its face in the mail at some point. But he's fine. The scary part was, while he was describing the event to the doctors/nurses, he told them something he didn't tell me. He had him arm across his chest at the time. If he hadn't it would have gone straight into his heart. That was scary.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Accomplishing your goals
I printed out sheet after sheet of task and goal planners. None seemed to really make me feel like I was accomplishing anything. Oh sure, all the different colors and lines and check boxes are fun and exciting, but that doesn't actually do anything. I've been working my second job for over a year now, and my planning and goals have spiraled into a depression, a vast frustration. I would schedule chores and work and personal wants only to get exasperated. Then I read something and tried it, and now I pass along what I now practice.
Here is how I am accomplishing my goals, maybe you could do the same. First of all, it's not "accomplishing" your goals that's the problem, it's "organizing" them.
Step 1: List your goals.
This is easy, just jot it down. Keep a list somewhere, and whenever there's a new goal that you need to do, add it. I use "Sticky Notes" that was built in with my Windows. They're great for brainstorming and jotting down random thoughts you don't want to forget. You don't have to save them and worry where they're at the next time you need to look at them. You can change colors and fonts and sizes and delete and create, and they're all just right there convenient for you the next time.
Here's an example:
-get house tidied up
-burn off VHS onto DVD
-pay off car
-save $10,000
-clean out cars
-write next blog
I'm just jotting a few that maybe everyone can relate to a little, but let's face it. If you made a list of ALL your goals, it would be HUGE!
Step 2: Break them down.
-get house tidied up
That's actually several steps in one. Clean out closets, clean bathrooms, kitchens, living room, etc. So you would need to break this down into smaller parts that are more workable. After doing that, we now have the following:
-clean out closets
-tidy up bedrooms
-tidy up living room
-tidy up craft room
-clean kitchen
-clean bathrooms
-burn off VHS onto DVD
-pay off car
-save $10,000
-clean out cars
-write next blog
Step 3: Pick ONE.
I used to print out a calendar and put one goal on day one, another on day two, etc. I wouldn't always get them done, and it seemed like I wasn't getting them done fast enough. Obviously, that wasn't working.
You need to view these goals as you would monetary debt. You pay off the smallest debt first, while the others get minimum payments in the background. A background goal here is paying off the car. That should automatically come out of your paycheck and do itself. The savings should happen AFTER the car is paid off and can also be in the background. Background goals should be kept at a minimum. They should be the ones that take the longest, but can be completely ignored for the most part, an automatic thing that is mere maintenance at this point. So, what's our smallest goal here? I would say clean out the cars, that just takes a day, right? And here's...
Step 4: Do it.
So, plan the date and DO IT. Just one day, the rest of the week, STOP trying to accomplish something. By concentrating all your goals into one, it gets done faster. Now, we continue this, and in just a few weeks, instead of no goals accomplished, we have a list that looks like:
-clean out closets
-tidy up bedrooms
-tidy up living room
-tidy up craft room
-clean kitchen
-clean bathrooms
-pay off car
-save $10,000
That makes you feel better, right?
Step 5: Keep them accomplished.
The cars were cleaned out, and now you're starting on the house. Keep those cars cleaned, or else you're going to have to add it right back in. Do those little things like keeping a bag in the car for trash. This will be most necessary with the house. Once you tidy that one small little area, KEEP it clean. Keeping the cars and house cleaned become background goals, mere maintenance. If you slip, that's OK. Just add it back on the list.
Step 6: Stop worrying about the other goals and don't overextend.
Remember, while you're working on goal #1, forget about goal #2. It won't go away. It's still on your list where you can go back to it and do it when the time is right. And some goals take a while. If you schedule them in more often than they will actually get worked on, it will only make you feel worse when they don't get done in time.
This has really helped me. By making myself to quit thinking about the other goals, I'm able to actually get them done. I hope it helps you too.
Here is how I am accomplishing my goals, maybe you could do the same. First of all, it's not "accomplishing" your goals that's the problem, it's "organizing" them.
Step 1: List your goals.
This is easy, just jot it down. Keep a list somewhere, and whenever there's a new goal that you need to do, add it. I use "Sticky Notes" that was built in with my Windows. They're great for brainstorming and jotting down random thoughts you don't want to forget. You don't have to save them and worry where they're at the next time you need to look at them. You can change colors and fonts and sizes and delete and create, and they're all just right there convenient for you the next time.
Here's an example:
-get house tidied up
-burn off VHS onto DVD
-pay off car
-save $10,000
-clean out cars
-write next blog
I'm just jotting a few that maybe everyone can relate to a little, but let's face it. If you made a list of ALL your goals, it would be HUGE!
Step 2: Break them down.
-get house tidied up
That's actually several steps in one. Clean out closets, clean bathrooms, kitchens, living room, etc. So you would need to break this down into smaller parts that are more workable. After doing that, we now have the following:
-clean out closets
-tidy up bedrooms
-tidy up living room
-tidy up craft room
-clean kitchen
-clean bathrooms
-burn off VHS onto DVD
-pay off car
-save $10,000
-clean out cars
-write next blog
Step 3: Pick ONE.
I used to print out a calendar and put one goal on day one, another on day two, etc. I wouldn't always get them done, and it seemed like I wasn't getting them done fast enough. Obviously, that wasn't working.
You need to view these goals as you would monetary debt. You pay off the smallest debt first, while the others get minimum payments in the background. A background goal here is paying off the car. That should automatically come out of your paycheck and do itself. The savings should happen AFTER the car is paid off and can also be in the background. Background goals should be kept at a minimum. They should be the ones that take the longest, but can be completely ignored for the most part, an automatic thing that is mere maintenance at this point. So, what's our smallest goal here? I would say clean out the cars, that just takes a day, right? And here's...
Step 4: Do it.
So, plan the date and DO IT. Just one day, the rest of the week, STOP trying to accomplish something. By concentrating all your goals into one, it gets done faster. Now, we continue this, and in just a few weeks, instead of no goals accomplished, we have a list that looks like:
-clean out closets
-tidy up bedrooms
-tidy up living room
-tidy up craft room
-clean kitchen
-clean bathrooms
-pay off car
-save $10,000
That makes you feel better, right?
Step 5: Keep them accomplished.
The cars were cleaned out, and now you're starting on the house. Keep those cars cleaned, or else you're going to have to add it right back in. Do those little things like keeping a bag in the car for trash. This will be most necessary with the house. Once you tidy that one small little area, KEEP it clean. Keeping the cars and house cleaned become background goals, mere maintenance. If you slip, that's OK. Just add it back on the list.
Step 6: Stop worrying about the other goals and don't overextend.
Remember, while you're working on goal #1, forget about goal #2. It won't go away. It's still on your list where you can go back to it and do it when the time is right. And some goals take a while. If you schedule them in more often than they will actually get worked on, it will only make you feel worse when they don't get done in time.
This has really helped me. By making myself to quit thinking about the other goals, I'm able to actually get them done. I hope it helps you too.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
A day in the life of a cowgirl
Everyone has this thought of a cowgirl in their mind. Sorry to burst your bubble. Most of us do not sander around with pointy toed boots with spurs, giant belt buckles, and cowboy hats with metal decorations on them. In fact, most of us wear baseball caps and sunglasses with our hair through them when necessary, and pony tailed hair with appropriate winter accessories like overalls and woolen caps. Boots are a necessity, as well as boot cut jeans. But what makes a cowgirl a cowgirl, is she raises cattle, and gets in and does the dirty work when needed.
Like today. Pepper is old and really needs retiring. She went into labor, but couldn't get her little boy out. I noticed she was in the woods, and getting up and down and sniffing the ground. By the time I got Arlis, there was a white thing hanging out. That's the sac.
After the sac showed, we gave her 30 minutes, then started to take notice. She had progressed to hooves showing, but nothing else. I made Arlis calm down and wait longer, then we started to get concerned. We called the vet. She was busy this afternoon. We called a different vet. He wasn't very nice, but he did help. Arlis was able to reach in and feel the head. Everything was where it needed to be, it just wouldn't come out.
Arlis pulled and I held Pepper's head and comforted her. I now know how much it hurts to have a cow on your foot. She was real good and knew we were trying to help. Thankfully, dad was here and I yelled for him. Arlis got a rope, and dad came to help. We tied the knot to the hooves and pulled. It kept slipping off. We tried this knot and that knot. I wrapped it around a tree and pulled. Dad pulled. Arlis pulled. Nope. That's when the second vet said to push on her pelvis, you know, one pulls, the other pushes her the other way. Be SURE you pull at a 45 degree angle down, NOT straight out.
(Pepper eating afterbirth)
So, dad went and got the come along. A come along is a wench that you use by hand. They can cause damage, so are only used if absolutely necessary. Marcus came and helped. Arlis tied to the hooves and pushed Pepper one way while holding her open more. I pulled the rope sideways to make sure it was pulling at the right angle. Dad used the come along. Marcus helped by pulling the way I did. Pepper was on her side, so we had to get the perfect angle.
(the new bull)
She was bleeding a bunch, so I was scared, but it did stop. We went to get a tub and used buckets to fill it so she had water. She wouldn't go anywhere. We left her alone a while, and went back to see her pass the afterbirth. This was a great sign that all was well! We went in to touch him and get him used to us and being touched. She didn't fight us, and he got used to us.
She was new to us last year. She wasn't mean, but she was never real friendly. Now, I think she knows we care, and she acts differently with us. At least for now.
In the meantime, Arlis was dying for a coke, so we washed our hands and went to the corner to get some 2 liters. He had calf juice all over his legs where he was wearing shorts and sneakers, a T-shirt and baseball cap. But, I'm pretty sure it's not the first time they've seen a working cowboy before!
After several hours, we went to insure that he was nursing. That was interesting. I was crouching in a frog position, he was sucking my knees, I was frogging my way over to Pepper to grab a teet and put it in his mouth, Pepper was circling away from me because Arlis was holding her halter. This was a really annoying merry-go-round. After a good long while of this, the young calf reach up and grabbed my nursing appendage. This was quite unpleasant causing a relapse in the whole procedure. We did finally manage to get one in his mouth and left with her licking him and sucking noises. We stepped into the house where dad said, " need showers." It had been raining, Arlis got pooped on, and there was still birth fluid on the calf. Yes, showers were definitely needed. Now, how was your day?
Like today. Pepper is old and really needs retiring. She went into labor, but couldn't get her little boy out. I noticed she was in the woods, and getting up and down and sniffing the ground. By the time I got Arlis, there was a white thing hanging out. That's the sac.
After the sac showed, we gave her 30 minutes, then started to take notice. She had progressed to hooves showing, but nothing else. I made Arlis calm down and wait longer, then we started to get concerned. We called the vet. She was busy this afternoon. We called a different vet. He wasn't very nice, but he did help. Arlis was able to reach in and feel the head. Everything was where it needed to be, it just wouldn't come out.
Arlis pulled and I held Pepper's head and comforted her. I now know how much it hurts to have a cow on your foot. She was real good and knew we were trying to help. Thankfully, dad was here and I yelled for him. Arlis got a rope, and dad came to help. We tied the knot to the hooves and pulled. It kept slipping off. We tried this knot and that knot. I wrapped it around a tree and pulled. Dad pulled. Arlis pulled. Nope. That's when the second vet said to push on her pelvis, you know, one pulls, the other pushes her the other way. Be SURE you pull at a 45 degree angle down, NOT straight out.
(Pepper eating afterbirth)
So, dad went and got the come along. A come along is a wench that you use by hand. They can cause damage, so are only used if absolutely necessary. Marcus came and helped. Arlis tied to the hooves and pushed Pepper one way while holding her open more. I pulled the rope sideways to make sure it was pulling at the right angle. Dad used the come along. Marcus helped by pulling the way I did. Pepper was on her side, so we had to get the perfect angle.
(the new bull)
With three of us pulling sideways, and Arlis pushing the other way, she finally got up and walked away. Terrified it would pull out too soon, I was watching with fear as her calf came out alive and well. Wow!
She was bleeding a bunch, so I was scared, but it did stop. We went to get a tub and used buckets to fill it so she had water. She wouldn't go anywhere. We left her alone a while, and went back to see her pass the afterbirth. This was a great sign that all was well! We went in to touch him and get him used to us and being touched. She didn't fight us, and he got used to us.
She was new to us last year. She wasn't mean, but she was never real friendly. Now, I think she knows we care, and she acts differently with us. At least for now.
In the meantime, Arlis was dying for a coke, so we washed our hands and went to the corner to get some 2 liters. He had calf juice all over his legs where he was wearing shorts and sneakers, a T-shirt and baseball cap. But, I'm pretty sure it's not the first time they've seen a working cowboy before!
After several hours, we went to insure that he was nursing. That was interesting. I was crouching in a frog position, he was sucking my knees, I was frogging my way over to Pepper to grab a teet and put it in his mouth, Pepper was circling away from me because Arlis was holding her halter. This was a really annoying merry-go-round. After a good long while of this, the young calf reach up and grabbed my nursing appendage. This was quite unpleasant causing a relapse in the whole procedure. We did finally manage to get one in his mouth and left with her licking him and sucking noises. We stepped into the house where dad said, " need showers." It had been raining, Arlis got pooped on, and there was still birth fluid on the calf. Yes, showers were definitely needed. Now, how was your day?
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Here's you Sign-take 3
A woman called, "How much are your phones?"
I gave her some examples.
"I need to know which phone I have."
"It takes 'brand A' cards and came in a plastic box that you had to open to get it out." (And this is going to help?)
"Um...Well. Do you see the UPC?"
Surprisingly, "Yes."
"What are the last three numbers?"
"That's the one that costs $XX"
"Oh, OK. Thanks."
A coworker and I discovered about 20 hangers hidden behind some toys. There was a pile a wadded paper, presumably from whatever bag they used to stuff the clothes into. I handed the hangers to her, as she worked that department, and took the paper to a bin. That was when I noticed what appeared to be poo upon the paper. The coworker said, "What did we just touch?" We scurried down the aisle, all the while being laughed at by really annoying baby dolls we passed. She dropped the hangers, then threw them into a nearby buggy, and I put the paper into the nearby bin and practically ran to wash my hands. Meanwhile, another coworker was looking at us wondering what on earth was going on.
I still get shocked with all the "When do you close?" questions.
I was in an aisle with phones on the left, and their cards on the right. You could literally hold your arms out and touch both. This man walks up to me, looks at the phones, and around the aisle, "Where are you phones?" I point. He mumbles some prices to himself. "How much are they?" I pointed again. "Where are your cards?" I point. "Where are your phones?" I point again. "How much are they?" I point again. "Ok, thanks." I never once said a word. I don't think it would have mattered if I had.
There's a man that calls every week to ask if we got any new Hot Wheels in, and to describe them to him.
There's a boy that calls every week and asks if we have a certain toy in stock. It doesn't matter what answer we give him, he just wants to make us run all over the store. The toy is on one end, the phone is on the other.
I am in complete uniform, badge showing, one set of keys hanging from my belt loop, another in my hand locking a cabinet, "Do you work here?" I'm sitting in the floor surrounded by videos, putting more videos in their place, "Do you work here?" I just finish with a customer, handing them an item and ending the conversation, "Do you work here?"
I would have never believed these stories until now.
I gave her some examples.
"I need to know which phone I have."
"It takes 'brand A' cards and came in a plastic box that you had to open to get it out." (And this is going to help?)
"Um...Well. Do you see the UPC?"
Surprisingly, "Yes."
"What are the last three numbers?"
"That's the one that costs $XX"
"Oh, OK. Thanks."
A coworker and I discovered about 20 hangers hidden behind some toys. There was a pile a wadded paper, presumably from whatever bag they used to stuff the clothes into. I handed the hangers to her, as she worked that department, and took the paper to a bin. That was when I noticed what appeared to be poo upon the paper. The coworker said, "What did we just touch?" We scurried down the aisle, all the while being laughed at by really annoying baby dolls we passed. She dropped the hangers, then threw them into a nearby buggy, and I put the paper into the nearby bin and practically ran to wash my hands. Meanwhile, another coworker was looking at us wondering what on earth was going on.
I still get shocked with all the "When do you close?" questions.
I was in an aisle with phones on the left, and their cards on the right. You could literally hold your arms out and touch both. This man walks up to me, looks at the phones, and around the aisle, "Where are you phones?" I point. He mumbles some prices to himself. "How much are they?" I pointed again. "Where are your cards?" I point. "Where are your phones?" I point again. "How much are they?" I point again. "Ok, thanks." I never once said a word. I don't think it would have mattered if I had.
There's a man that calls every week to ask if we got any new Hot Wheels in, and to describe them to him.
There's a boy that calls every week and asks if we have a certain toy in stock. It doesn't matter what answer we give him, he just wants to make us run all over the store. The toy is on one end, the phone is on the other.
I am in complete uniform, badge showing, one set of keys hanging from my belt loop, another in my hand locking a cabinet, "Do you work here?" I'm sitting in the floor surrounded by videos, putting more videos in their place, "Do you work here?" I just finish with a customer, handing them an item and ending the conversation, "Do you work here?"
I would have never believed these stories until now.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
The cool hippie bus
Our day started with a nice brunch at a cute little restaurant in town. I'll never eat there again. The service is acceptable, but not outstanding, and the food is great, although lacking in my personal tastes. But what really got me was paying for the food. This guy comes out of the kitchen, dressed in smocks with a cap/bandana thingy surgeons wear, and a name badge that said "Surgeon Director". double as a cook? Anyway, he was missing two fingers. These weren't two fingers on one hand folks. One at one joint on one hand, and the other hand at a different joint in the finger. This I found disturbing. He either cut them off in surgery, or while chopping my chicken. In my mind at least. Can't go back, sorry...too disturbing.
So anyway, we went to my place of know..."There-that-must-not-be-named", and filled our gas and groceries. In the parking lot was this really cool painted bus. When we left, we got gas, and I had to take pictures. They're with my phone, so forgive the quality please.
Amazing detail with 3D effects.
A woman, a man, and a disabled man share this awesome bus home!
Their furniture, appliances, and quilts, etc, were beyond gorgeous! Just look at the quilting on that!
They plan to attach the wheelchair to the outside in the future (it's behind the bike)
And replace this with a composting toilet.
Their plates said Vermont, and they were traveling north. They are in the process of converting to biodiesel. Very impressive work guys! Good luck wherever you may be now!
So anyway, we went to my place of know..."There-that-must-not-be-named", and filled our gas and groceries. In the parking lot was this really cool painted bus. When we left, we got gas, and I had to take pictures. They're with my phone, so forgive the quality please.
Amazing detail with 3D effects.
A woman, a man, and a disabled man share this awesome bus home!
Their furniture, appliances, and quilts, etc, were beyond gorgeous! Just look at the quilting on that!
They plan to attach the wheelchair to the outside in the future (it's behind the bike)
And replace this with a composting toilet.
Their plates said Vermont, and they were traveling north. They are in the process of converting to biodiesel. Very impressive work guys! Good luck wherever you may be now!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
My day
It's getting harder and harder to retain the real me, the person I want to be, the person I'm meant to be. But today, I was able to. I went out to get a really cool picture of a guinea. Naturally, he got up and ran away as soon as he saw me come back out of the house with a camera. (How do animals know?) That's when it happened. The real me came back, and I started to just take pictures.
Catching up on the laundry-thankful for the sun!
Niles and Daphne...and a guinea.
I spy 2 ducks, a guinea, and 2 hens...
Henrietta's good side
Flox-I love flox
Chillin on the back porch
Our pathetic leftovers of a strawberry patch
Gizmo. This is Marcus's puppy. He was given to us. He is Rat Terrier, Shiatsu, Pomeranian. He looks like a horrible mistake, but you couldn't ask for a better dog for a boy! He is at the vet tonight getting neutered. I think he's about to sneeze out a dandelion in this picture. You can click on pics to make them bigger.
Fargo-because he's my puppy. He got a lot of lovin today, with a good scratching!
Arlis picking grass out of the run for Fargo. The chickens won't eat it this big.
Marcus's 4-H chicks.
You know I had to video! My videos are now available in HD! Watch for Knight to pop up in front of a tree on the left around 0:20
Catching up on the laundry-thankful for the sun!
Niles and Daphne...and a guinea.
I spy 2 ducks, a guinea, and 2 hens...
Henrietta's good side
Flox-I love flox
Chillin on the back porch
Our pathetic leftovers of a strawberry patch
Gizmo. This is Marcus's puppy. He was given to us. He is Rat Terrier, Shiatsu, Pomeranian. He looks like a horrible mistake, but you couldn't ask for a better dog for a boy! He is at the vet tonight getting neutered. I think he's about to sneeze out a dandelion in this picture. You can click on pics to make them bigger.
Fargo-because he's my puppy. He got a lot of lovin today, with a good scratching!
Arlis picking grass out of the run for Fargo. The chickens won't eat it this big.
Marcus's 4-H chicks.
You know I had to video! My videos are now available in HD! Watch for Knight to pop up in front of a tree on the left around 0:20
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
The Great Wasp Hunt
It started one normal day with a wasp in the living room. We always get a dozen or so each year...spread out over several months. You know, one here, one there. But this day, there was a second wasp. Two days later, there were two more. That day I sprayed poison in the house, on the walls, and outside. I had to wash all the blankets because of the poison. I also had to deal with a 9 year old yelling, "There's a nest in my bathroom!" over and over. There was, obviously, no nest in the bathroom.
So today, when a wasp went banging against the ceiling, I refused to use the poison again. I look up what to do, and see window cleaner and hair spray. I grab my hair spray and a shoe and go on the hunt. I'm being quite brave, if I do say so myself, and creep up to the flying wasp to spray it. "Pfssssst!" Drat! Not close enough..closer...closer..."Phsss..." "Yeow!" There was one on the floor. I had stepped on it. I'm assuming it was poisoned some because it wasn't as bad as I remember them being. I drop my weapons and limp outside. I call Arlis and tell him to come spit on my foot. His wad of tobacco immediately stopped the pain.
While I'm sitting there leeching poison, he goes around the side of the house and sprays poison, which blows in his eyes. So then I have to guide a blinded blind man, while limping, to the faucet to flush his eyes. He's fine now.
I rinse the tobacco off my foot and go inside. Dad comes and decides to vacuum the wasps. "See them going round and round? That kills them." Does he actually believe this? We argue over it until he concedes to let me put the vacuum outside with the "dead" wasps so that all the live ones can crawl out. I had to vacuum the house, so I emptied it, showing Arlis all the "dead" wasps that are now dusty white in color crawl away on the dirt. I take it in, do some house work, and leave the vacuum in my father's room with the door shut. I knew it was empty of critters, did he?
We were supposed to pick up a rooster today. I was supposed to do a lot of things. But we wound up killing nine wasps that day, all in my living room. For over a day we would go in and look around before sitting down. Everyone would use the white couch because you could easily spot a dark bug on a white couch. We found them all over the place, under things, behind things. They've calmed down for now. I hope we're through with them.
So today, when a wasp went banging against the ceiling, I refused to use the poison again. I look up what to do, and see window cleaner and hair spray. I grab my hair spray and a shoe and go on the hunt. I'm being quite brave, if I do say so myself, and creep up to the flying wasp to spray it. "Pfssssst!" Drat! Not close enough..closer...closer..."Phsss..." "Yeow!" There was one on the floor. I had stepped on it. I'm assuming it was poisoned some because it wasn't as bad as I remember them being. I drop my weapons and limp outside. I call Arlis and tell him to come spit on my foot. His wad of tobacco immediately stopped the pain.
While I'm sitting there leeching poison, he goes around the side of the house and sprays poison, which blows in his eyes. So then I have to guide a blinded blind man, while limping, to the faucet to flush his eyes. He's fine now.
I rinse the tobacco off my foot and go inside. Dad comes and decides to vacuum the wasps. "See them going round and round? That kills them." Does he actually believe this? We argue over it until he concedes to let me put the vacuum outside with the "dead" wasps so that all the live ones can crawl out. I had to vacuum the house, so I emptied it, showing Arlis all the "dead" wasps that are now dusty white in color crawl away on the dirt. I take it in, do some house work, and leave the vacuum in my father's room with the door shut. I knew it was empty of critters, did he?
We were supposed to pick up a rooster today. I was supposed to do a lot of things. But we wound up killing nine wasps that day, all in my living room. For over a day we would go in and look around before sitting down. Everyone would use the white couch because you could easily spot a dark bug on a white couch. We found them all over the place, under things, behind things. They've calmed down for now. I hope we're through with them.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
My First Quilt
Over a year ago, like 2 years ago, I bought a Mennonite home ec book to learn to sew. Sewing machines were giant evil monsters with giant evil fangs to me. This was mainly due to never really having a good and proper lesson, and having a broken machine. (pun intended) Sew, when dad bought me a used machine b/c the older one wouldn't work, I decided to try and learn again, as it wasn't broken that I could tell. I read and followed the first book to make my first project, a small and simple quilt.
Here is the square
It's a log cabin design. Each fabric is sewn to the previous and cut in a mathematical sequence allowing for quick and easy assembly without having to check oneself every stitch. It was so easy, I got to where I enjoyed it a great deal and would spend hours at a time in the craft room with TV playing on my Kindle just sewing away.
I placed all the squares out, asking Arlis for his advice.

It's good I did ask for his advice. I rotated each piece one rotation and went to the next. This turned out to be...
See it? Look closer-it's a swastika.
Arlis, "So, this book is Mennonite? And therefore German? And you're blonde? Bwa ha ha haaaaa!!!" All jokes aside, I took his design advice, and did the following. I also sewed four more squares.
And then four more. Some of the squares were different sizes, and there are tucks and creases where I lined up the strips.
I wasn't about to pay for batting, and my wool needed carding. A carder wasn't in the budget just yet. But a huge amount of really thick felt like material went on sale for $1.50 a yard. I bought a BUNCH!
And then sewed it to the back of the quilt. It was very difficult to do this as the material was stretchy. It turned out uneven. But only if you look for it. I made this to be used, not framed.
I used mom's quilt hoop to comfort knot the quilt.
I used matching colored threads for the knots, which I just happened to have. That was cool. It also turned out to be geometrically perfect, even cooler. You can see how you just make loops or sew from each place to the next making sure two strings in each area are about a half inch apart or so. Each knot area needs to be about 3 inches apart or so.
You then cut through each loop or straight stitch. (Don't forget the other side)
And then tie a square knot on BOTH sides. Here you can see how it all matched up.
Here is the back side. See how it's all geometrically cool and stuff?
I had plenty of fabric left over, so I wanted to make pillow cases. After much debate, we decided to go with accent pillows instead of cases. I changed the square pattern to make it look better as a single. The pillow was a project in the second book. It's a cover over a basic stuffed pillow. Arlis, "It even has snaps and everything." I was real proud of myself.
And here it is all together. I'll make a second pillow once the chickroom becomes my craftroom again. Dad used the quilt and said it was fine, but he did need an extra blanket.
I went through a bunch of thread, bought a bunch of new things, and had to take my new/old machine in to get repaired. But I now feel pretty good with a machine. I've learned to basic sew, roll cut, comfort knot, and when to give up and take the machine in. I have a self-healing mat with a roller and a new pair of shears. It's a real shame that I bought all the good stuff after I cut all the quilting strips out and wound up with crooked stitches and different sized squares, but the point of this exercise was to learn after all.
I placed all the squares out, asking Arlis for his advice.
It's good I did ask for his advice. I rotated each piece one rotation and went to the next. This turned out to be...
See it? Look closer-it's a swastika.
Arlis, "So, this book is Mennonite? And therefore German? And you're blonde? Bwa ha ha haaaaa!!!" All jokes aside, I took his design advice, and did the following. I also sewed four more squares.
And then four more. Some of the squares were different sizes, and there are tucks and creases where I lined up the strips.
I wasn't about to pay for batting, and my wool needed carding. A carder wasn't in the budget just yet. But a huge amount of really thick felt like material went on sale for $1.50 a yard. I bought a BUNCH!
And then sewed it to the back of the quilt. It was very difficult to do this as the material was stretchy. It turned out uneven. But only if you look for it. I made this to be used, not framed.
I used mom's quilt hoop to comfort knot the quilt.
I used matching colored threads for the knots, which I just happened to have. That was cool. It also turned out to be geometrically perfect, even cooler. You can see how you just make loops or sew from each place to the next making sure two strings in each area are about a half inch apart or so. Each knot area needs to be about 3 inches apart or so.
You then cut through each loop or straight stitch. (Don't forget the other side)
And then tie a square knot on BOTH sides. Here you can see how it all matched up.
Here is the back side. See how it's all geometrically cool and stuff?
I had plenty of fabric left over, so I wanted to make pillow cases. After much debate, we decided to go with accent pillows instead of cases. I changed the square pattern to make it look better as a single. The pillow was a project in the second book. It's a cover over a basic stuffed pillow. Arlis, "It even has snaps and everything." I was real proud of myself.
And here it is all together. I'll make a second pillow once the chickroom becomes my craftroom again. Dad used the quilt and said it was fine, but he did need an extra blanket.
I went through a bunch of thread, bought a bunch of new things, and had to take my new/old machine in to get repaired. But I now feel pretty good with a machine. I've learned to basic sew, roll cut, comfort knot, and when to give up and take the machine in. I have a self-healing mat with a roller and a new pair of shears. It's a real shame that I bought all the good stuff after I cut all the quilting strips out and wound up with crooked stitches and different sized squares, but the point of this exercise was to learn after all.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Here's Your Sign-take 2
I already have the next post planned, just not finished. So I thought I would post another-humorous-list of events from work.
Questions and events that ACTUALLY HAPPENED at work. (If you don't know where I work, you might not find it humorous. Suffice it to say, we are open 24/7/365 and I work electronics mainly)
(Call in) "Will you be there tomorrow?"
"Me specifically, or someone in general?"
"Yeah. Are you open tomorrow?"
"Yes...Yes we are."
"Would you hold these while I go do some more shopping?"
An individual that is...let's put this delicately...hyper "I need to get all this now. I'm going to rehab in 12 days. They won't let me in the army otherwise. I mean, I'm not a druggie or an addict or anything, I got hit by a grenade and so I have to go to rehab. I'm annoying you now aren't I? I'll go." Leaves and comes back. "Can you watch this for me? I have to go do some more shopping?" This person left merchandise on my counter, visited several departments and made several different purchases. He refused to use just one register. I personally checked him out more than once and carried his merchandise to a separate register so that he could buy it all at once where I was told that he needed to buy it at my register because it had to be separate. He bought 2 phones, had a new one in his pocket, and I really don't know the rest. I think I've blocked the memory.
Upon seeing a Clearance balloon floating on the ceiling over the wheelchair stall in the bathroom, I went to look. I cannot describe what I found. One colleague described it as "Someone missed." Another as "It looks like one of your cows has been in there." It was a bit grainy in appearance and HUGE. Oh, and not where it should be. This became the sight-seeing tour of the work place. Men were venturing into the ladies' room to see the sight of amazement. I laughed at one coworker's reaction so long and hard I cried for half an hour. The cleanup man started to vomit, and to prevent further mess, a different man had to clean it up. I've heard there are now pictures of this event. If I find them, I'll let you know.
"Will my kid's friend like this?"
"Do you have that thing on TV?" This question is asked VERY often.
"What thing in general?"
"You know, it's on the TV."
"Do yuns have that yarn that yuns make scarves from?" (one of my personal favorites)
"You're going to have to be a little more specific."
"Well, you were out the other day. Do you have it in now?"
"Um...we have several different types. Could you describe it a little maybe?"
"The one you were out of. If you go out there and there's an empty spot, then that's it."
"If I bring back my TV, can I get it at the sale price? Because it wasn't that cheap when I bought it."
Here's your sign.
Questions and events that ACTUALLY HAPPENED at work. (If you don't know where I work, you might not find it humorous. Suffice it to say, we are open 24/7/365 and I work electronics mainly)
(Call in) "Will you be there tomorrow?"
"Me specifically, or someone in general?"
"Yeah. Are you open tomorrow?"
"Yes...Yes we are."
"Would you hold these while I go do some more shopping?"
An individual that is...let's put this delicately...hyper "I need to get all this now. I'm going to rehab in 12 days. They won't let me in the army otherwise. I mean, I'm not a druggie or an addict or anything, I got hit by a grenade and so I have to go to rehab. I'm annoying you now aren't I? I'll go." Leaves and comes back. "Can you watch this for me? I have to go do some more shopping?" This person left merchandise on my counter, visited several departments and made several different purchases. He refused to use just one register. I personally checked him out more than once and carried his merchandise to a separate register so that he could buy it all at once where I was told that he needed to buy it at my register because it had to be separate. He bought 2 phones, had a new one in his pocket, and I really don't know the rest. I think I've blocked the memory.
Upon seeing a Clearance balloon floating on the ceiling over the wheelchair stall in the bathroom, I went to look. I cannot describe what I found. One colleague described it as "Someone missed." Another as "It looks like one of your cows has been in there." It was a bit grainy in appearance and HUGE. Oh, and not where it should be. This became the sight-seeing tour of the work place. Men were venturing into the ladies' room to see the sight of amazement. I laughed at one coworker's reaction so long and hard I cried for half an hour. The cleanup man started to vomit, and to prevent further mess, a different man had to clean it up. I've heard there are now pictures of this event. If I find them, I'll let you know.
"Will my kid's friend like this?"
"Do you have that thing on TV?" This question is asked VERY often.
"What thing in general?"
"You know, it's on the TV."
"Do yuns have that yarn that yuns make scarves from?" (one of my personal favorites)
"You're going to have to be a little more specific."
"Well, you were out the other day. Do you have it in now?"
"Um...we have several different types. Could you describe it a little maybe?"
"The one you were out of. If you go out there and there's an empty spot, then that's it."
"If I bring back my TV, can I get it at the sale price? Because it wasn't that cheap when I bought it."
Here's your sign.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
My drive to work
My drive to work one cold morning. Normally, it's much better than this, and I have often wanted to leave really early and pull over to take pictures but never have. So bare in mind this is while driving....rather fast I might add...
Click on a photo to get the full size if needed.
How many hay bales does that bus eat each year?!
Now there's a fun driveway-yeesh! (On the left)
This is one of the really pretty spots. Naturally, there are no icicles to speak of today. You can still see a pitiful few though. On pretty days, you see waterfalls and HUGE amounts of icicles.
Some weird growth I've often wanted to explore in someone's pasture.
Cattle trail to the water.
That brick house is a little out of place here if you ask me.
These last two are part of the quilt trail.
Click on a photo to get the full size if needed.
How many hay bales does that bus eat each year?!
Now there's a fun driveway-yeesh! (On the left)
This is one of the really pretty spots. Naturally, there are no icicles to speak of today. You can still see a pitiful few though. On pretty days, you see waterfalls and HUGE amounts of icicles.
Some weird growth I've often wanted to explore in someone's pasture.
Cattle trail to the water.
That brick house is a little out of place here if you ask me.
These last two are part of the quilt trail.
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